Incorporación de la harina de papa china (Colacasia esculenta) como fuente de componentes bioactivos en la elaboración de una bebida láctea funcional
2014-03-13Registro en:
Cajilima Arcos, Tabita Cecilia. (2014). Incorporación de la harina de papa china (Colacasia esculenta) como fuente de componentes bioactivos en la elaboración de una bebida láctea funcional. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Cajilima Arcos, Tabita Cecilia
The development of functional beverages constitutes a substantial sector of the
food industry, all of these beverages are made with traditional flours are expensive
raw material import. That's why the purpose of this research is to construct an
alternative, incorporating flour (Colocasia esculenta) in the development of a
functional milk drink, for which three levels (10 %, 20 %, 30 %) were evaluated.
180 liters of milk drink functional distributed in 60 liters for each replica and with a
size of experimental unit 5 liters was prepared. By incorporating flour (Colocasia!
in the milk beverage was observed that protein, calcium, fiber and ash
increased slightly, as you go up the levels, with the 30 % level represents the
highest values. In analyzing the organoleptic results, we can say that the highest
values were obtained at the 20% level, with the following values: color 23.5, smell
32.7, taste 21.3, and appearance 20.8. Microbiological analyzes reported absence
of coliforms, which ensures that the functional milk drink is suitable for human
consumption, as well as the microbial load to molds, yeasts and total aerobic , is
below the permissible limit for milk drinks (NTE INEN 2564:2011).