Efecto de Linum usitatissimum (Linaza común) en la primera fase de producción de gallinas lohmann brown
2014-11-25Registro en:
Saquinga Pilco, Silvana Natali. (2014). Efecto de Linum usitatissimum (Linaza común) en la primera fase de producción de gallinas lohmann brown. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Saquinga Pilco, Silvana Natali
On-site Poultry Research Department of Zootechnical Engineering Faculty of Animal Science ESPOCH, the effect of linum usitatissimum (flaxseed common) in the first phase of production of hens Lohmann Brown was evaluated, for which 200 birds of 19 weeks of age, divided into three levels of flaxseed compared to control treatment with five repetitions, giving a total of 20 experimental units, which were analyzed under a completely randomized design was used, and separation averages by Duncan (P <0.05). It was determined that the use of 5% linum usitatissimum (linseed common), which resulted in some final weight of 1887.30 g, a weight gain of 155.41 to 12021.74g feed intake, feed conversion 1.99; a production of 89.50% was reached peak production to 82.60 days was reached, besides you can determine that production per bird was 104.72 units, up 57.87 Egg weight was also determined entirely 6052.68 g was egg mass was determined; in relation to the characteristics of the egg, that were 0.56 mm thick of the eggshell, the longitudinal diameter of 43.96mm and a transverse diameter of 57.17 finally weighed shell color and 6.20g egg mass corresponded to 6.20 points on the scale of Roche fan. It is concluded that the effect of 15% linseed improves concentration of omega 3 and 6 in the egg getting a value of 6,549%.