Producción de forraje orgánico de dos especies promisorias Arrhenatherum elatius y Stipa plumeris en la provincia de Tungurahua
2014-04-24Registro en:
Torres Salazar, Edison Xavier. (2014). Producción de forraje orgánico de dos especies promisorias Arrhenatherum elatius y Stipa plumeris en la Provincia de Tungurahua. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Torres Salazar, Edison Xavier
In Tungurahua province, Ambato canton, Pilahuin Parish, LLangahua community,
Which is located at 3300 meters above sea level,the, adaptation and persistence
of the Arthenatherum elatius and Stipa plumeris were evaluated in plost with
purpose of producing organic forage, under descriptive statistics based on
different experimental measurements. The most relevant results in the first cut
were: Arrhenatherum elatius, 45 days, plant height of 65,42 27.10 cm; stems/
plant: 90 +0,89; leaf / stem: 3,92: baseline coverage: 14,14 %; aerial coverage:
24,18 %. In the Stipa plumeris, 45 days after the recorded heights were:
61.67+5,94; stems/plant: 91,121,47leaf / stem: 3,58; basal cover: 15,07%; aerial
coverage: 19,30%. In the second cut in the Arrhenatherum elatius, these heights
were reported: 78 + 6,54; stems/ plant : 89,78 + 1,39; leaf/stem: 4.08 ; baseline
coverage: 12,67% ; aerial coverage: 23,78 Production of green fodder in
Arrhenatherum elatius 1,28 + 0,36 t/ha / cut; in MS 0,30 + 0,09 Tn/ha/cut ; Stipa
plumeris reported a green fodder production of 2,49 + 1,51 Tn/ha/cut; in MS 0,57
+0,35 Tn/ha/cut. Pesticide Residues Organochlorine: pp-DDD of 6.8x10 -4 mg /
kg, pp -DDE of 4.7*10-4 mg/kg. Organophosphate pesticides: Acephate,
Chlorpyrifos, Diazinon, Dimethoate, Ethyl Parathion, Malathion
Methamidophos , Monocrotophos , Profenofos , Trichlorphon in quantities <2x10-4
mg/kg, which are considered minimal. it is concludede that Arrhenatherum
elatius easily adapted to the environmental conditions of the Llangahua area,
while Stipa plumeris not survive alone or in association and it is evidenced its low
power competitive with weeds because of its slow growth.