Repotenciación de un elevador electro-hidráulico tipo dos columnas, para la implementación en el taller de la Escuela de Ingeniería Automotriz.
2014-07-07Registro en:
Chariguamán Alvarez, Nelson Walkir; Vargas Gallegos, Luis Alfredo. (2014). Repotenciación de un elevador electro-hidráulico tipo dos columnas, para la implementación en el taller de la Escuela de Ingeniería Automotriz. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Chariguamán Alvarez, Nelson Walkir
Vargas Gallegos, Luis Alfredo
The repowering of an elevator car for the school of automotive engineering (EIA) aims to publicize the operation and the different elements that up an elevator that develop knowledge and skills to ensure the solution of problems encountered in the maintenance, provides comfort and ease during work repair and maintenance of vehicles. Using different data collection techniques could determine the different parts and pieces necessary for assembly of the elevator, which was damaged so had to replace those items. In the coupling process proceeded to locate and replace any worn part with new ones, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Though mechanical computer-aided design program SolidWorks the respective simulation was performed by observing the various efforts that can produce deformations, values determined in a maximum of 145MPa, 72MPa, normal and minimum in 0.27MPa, the elements to suffer greater deformations are the arms of the elevator because that is where the greatest support vehicle weight. Several applications are made to achieve the upgrading of the electro-hydraulic elevator managing to have a reliability of 99% and being ready to be used the Automotive Workshop staff, students and teacher of the EIA. It is recommended prior to the proper management of the elevator, make manual operation, the maintenance plan the elevator, read and take into account all the safety measures to protect the physical integrity of people.