Implementación de un sistema electrónico Haltech para economizar el consumo de combustible al motor Chevrolet Corsa OBD II de la Escuela de Ingeniería Automotriz.
2014-05-30Registro en:
Veloz Abarca, Danny Israel; Guamán Trujillo, Cristian David. (2014). Implementación de un sistema electrónico Haltech para economizar el consumo de combustible al motor Chevrolet Corsa OBD II de la Escuela de Ingeniería Automotriz. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Veloz Abarca, Danny Israel
Guamán Trujillo, Cristian David
The implementation of the Haltech electronic system of the Chevrolet Corsa OBD II engine in the Automotive Engineering School.It main objective is to save fuel that allows to benefit the customer and the environment; because of that, it can reduce the demand for a non-renewable resource. According to the handbook information, it was made a study of the control unit that allows the connection and the calibration of the various sensors and actuators involved in the injection of the through ECU Haltech Manager; the operating parameters were set based on the working ranges of both voltage and signal for the proper performance of the control unit, taking into count that before installing the system, the engine is subjected to maintenance for a proper operation. To reduce the consumption was originated from the programming of the control unit Haltech Sprint 500 based on the volumetric efficiency,that can vary each of the parameters required in the fuel supply, defined by correction of enrichment of fuel, revolutions and environmental conditions, giving as result a starting mapping to begin introducing values of gasoline enrichment that stoichiometric air fuel in a range of 16.2 – 17.2 to 1 obtaining the ideal map in fuel saving.With the implementation of Sprint Haltech 500, it was decreased by 13% of consumption, saving 26 cents per gallon of premium gasoline, with this result the return on investment is in three years and ten months. It is recommended to have a balance in the stoichiometry mixture to prevent engine damage and increasing of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gas and thus not affect the environment.