Diseño del sistema de tratamiento de agua potable de la Cabecera Parroquial de Columbe Cantón Colta
2014-10-07Registro en:
Yanqui Ushiña, Cristian Ramón. (2014). Diseño del sistema de tratamiento de agua potable de la Cabecera Parroquial de Columbe Cantón Colta. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Yanqui Ushiña, Cristian Ramón
This research presents information about the design of a drinking water treatment plant for the Cabecera Parroquial de Columbe, Cantón Colta, Province of Chimborazo. The physical-chemical and microbiological analysis was performed, and it was determined that there are parameters that are outside the limits established by the Ecuadorian Technical Standard NTE INEN 1108:2011 ""Drinking Water. Requirements"", including: alkalinity 320 mg/L, phosphates 0.94 mg/L total coliforms 550 mg/L, fecal coliforms 84 mg/L. The jar test was performed, finding the adequate dosage of aluminum polychloride, and the necessary amount of strong acid cationic resins was also determined. The analyses were performed at the Technical Analysis Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, ESPOCH. The drinking water treatment plant is designed for a flow of 15.48 L/s, and consists of a sand trap, rectangular weir, horizontal flow hydraulic flocculator, two cation exchanger tanks and the storage tank where disinfection will be carried out with a capacity of 32 m3. The most appropriate drinking water treatment system was designed, obtaining as a result: alkalinity 220 mg/L phosphates 0.28 mg/L and absence of total and fecal coliforms, i.e., it complies with the requirements established by current regulations. The proposed treatment will guarantee an efficient process that will generate quality water for the Columbe Parish Headwaters of the Colta Canton; therefore, it is recommended to implement the proposed design.