Levantamiento de línea base de los Humedales de la comunidad de Ozogoche, parroquia Achupallas, provincia de Chimborazo
2014-07-03Registro en:
Shagñay Sigcho, Germán Gonzalo. (2014). Levantamiento de línea base de los Humedales de la comunidad de Ozogoche, parroquia Achupallas, provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Shagñay Sigcho, Germán Gonzalo
This study was conducted in seven wetlands of the Ozogoche lake system, Achupallas Parish, Alausí Canton, Chimborazo Province, located at 3,340 meters above sea level, in order to establish a baseline reference of the sector. The type of research proposed is analytical, observational, descriptive, non-experimental and field research. Through the use of GPS the georeferencing of the sector to intervene was carried out, to establish the corresponding maps, information of the biotic factors was collected and the abiotic factors were analyzed in laboratories. The following results were obtained for the most important native flora species: Gentianella cerastioides, Leptodontium, Lachemilla orbiculata, Plantago rigida, Calamagrotis intermedia, Stipa ichu, Hypochaers sessiliflora; and of mammals and birds such as: wild rabbit, Wolf, Curiquingue, Eagles, the abiotic study with laboratory analysis of the physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics, of the fluvial sources and soils adjacent to each wetland with values of: pH 5.78; sandy loam texture; granular structure; determining the main indicators, climatic indicators for the first half of 2013 average temperature 7.8ºC; barometric pressure 643.69; dew point 5.18; relative humidity 79.10%; wind speed 2.66 m/sec; precipitation 42.23; as a reference the wetlands of Arrayan, Boazo, Cubillin, Jacsan, Magtayan, Pichahuiña and Yanacocha, infiltration levels were evaluated only with reference points according to their altitude with three locations 3772 - 3956 and 4166 masl. In socioeconomic terms: level of schooling (primary), income (101 to 200 USD9, work activity (agriculture), use and benefit of wetlands (irrigation - consumption). We can conclude the importance of the aquifer sources, the extraordinary cultural, touristic and biological richness of the sector and the need for their conservation. We recommend to the competent institutions their conservation and sustainable development of the area of influence, since these sectors are large freshwater cushions.