Elaboración e implementación de un banco demostrativo con un motor monocilíndrico, incorporado un sistema de inyección electrónica y software de control de tracción para la Escuela de Ingeniería Automotriz de la Facultad de Mecánica de la ESPOCH.
2013-01-13Registro en:
Moreira Moyano, Luis Marlon. (2013). Elaboración e implementación de un banco demostrativo con un motor monocilíndrico, incorporado un sistema de inyección electrónica y software de control de tracción para la Escuela de Ingeniería Automotriz de la Facultad de Mecánica de la ESPOCH. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Moreira Moyano, Luis Marlon
It has been developed a demonstrative bench with a single- cylinder engine including an electronic injection system and a software on traction control for Escuela de IngenieriaAutomotriz at the Mechanics Faculty-ESPOCH with the aim of observing and manipulating an electronic traction system that is implemented at labs belonging to Escuela de IngenieriaAutomotriz to be used by teachers and students. Project is carried out through exploration and investigation of related information that permit to determine the methodology to be used in order to organize tests focused to the optimum and effective building. Moreover it was possible to establish electric and electronic materials, and other specific ones to elaborate the projected device. Due to lack of similar information on the research theme, this Project constitutes an initial generating source of information for the academic development of the Escuela de IngenieriaAutomotriz. The demonstrative bench with simple characteristics on its building an usage, transportation facility due to its structure, size and used materials was constructed joining two modules: the Electronic Injection System and the Traction Control System; which when coupled by their electronic constitution where exposed to experimental methods where previously defined elements where changed in the aim of guarantee the correct functioning of al incorporated components.