dc.description.abstract | In the Chambo River Basin, during the months of February to July 2011, water quality was determined with the purpose of studying the difference in water quality during the dry and rainy season, with the application of Quality Indices (WQI) and Biological Indices (ETP and BMWP), as well as the identification of anthropic activities that are developed in the different altitudinal levels, to cover the need for information in this Basin. Thirty monitoring points were established in the 359,000 ha of the basin. The WQI, ETP and BMWP/Col indices were used for water quality assessment according to the methodology of the National Water Commission, Water Sanitation and Quality Management and Roldan, respectively. The results obtained for water quality according to the Indexes are: WQI in the Season of Season GOOD (13.3 %) and AVERAGE (86.7 %); in the Rainy Season GOOD (10.0 %) and AVERAGE (90.0 %). BMWP/col in SEASON ACCEPTABLE (20.0 %), DOUBTFUL (33.3 %), CRITICAL (36.7 %) and VERY CRITICAL (10.0 %); in RAINY SEASON ACCEPTABLE (20.0 %), DOUBTFUL (30.0 %), CRITICAL (36.7 %) and VERY CRITICAL (13.3 %). ETP during the dry season was VERY GOOD (6.7%), GOOD (13.3%), FAIR (30.0%) and BAD (50%); during the rainy season was VERY GOOD (6.7%), GOOD (13.3%), FAIR (23.3%) and BAD (56.7%). It can be concluded that water quality improves during the rainy season. The flow of the Chambo River Basin varies by 1.2% in relation to the rainy season. The quality of the Chambo River Basin is good, but anthropic activities affect these conditions at different altitudinal levels, which calls for decisions to be taken to help conserve this ecosystem. | |