Diseño del sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales en el Centro de Salud Nº 2 en la ciudad de Ambato, provincia de Tungurahua
2014-02-27Registro en:
Cajas Rocafuerte, Augusto Xavier. (2014). Diseño del sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales en el Centro de Salud Nº 2 en la ciudad de Ambato, provincia de Tungurahua. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Cajas Rocafuerte, Augusto Xavier
A wastewater treatment system was designed at the Health Center N°2 in the city of Ambato, Province of Tungurahua, to treat hospital wastewater. To develop this research we applied the experimental method using induction and deduction as logical processes to analyze the problems caused by liquid effluents and look for alternatives based on studies related to wastewater treatment proposed by several authors, for this purpose we carried out sampling, physical-chemical analysis and treatability tests, we used: containers, beakers, pH meter, pipettes and jar test. The following results were obtained: 1320 mg/l COD, 1240 mg/l BOD, 130.9 UNT of Turbidity, 3.3 x 104 CFU/100 ml of Fecal Coliforms, 4.2 x 104 CFU/100 ml of Total Coliforms are the analysis variables for the design of the treatment system that are outside the country's current regulations. In order to eliminate the greatest amount of contaminants, the treatment system was designed for a 30-year period with a design flow rate of 0.00267 m3 and a manual cleaning grid system for solids retention, a 9.252 m3 homogenizing tank to obtain a constant flow rate, a 2.22 m2 settling tank and a sand and activated carbon filter. We conclude that the system will remove 95.6% of BOD, 87% of COD, 97% of turbidity, 99% of nitrates, 99% of fecal coliforms and 99% of total coliforms, which is optimal for discharge to the public sewage system. We recommend implementing this proposed treatment system to reduce water contamination in the Health Center No. 2 of the city of Ambato.
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