Evaluación de los Impactos Ambientales y sus Medidas de Mitigación, Derivados del Camal Metropolitano Quito
2008-01-08Registro en:
Cantos Cantos, Raúl Vinicio; Erazo Acosta, Rodolfo. (2008). Evaluación de los Impactos Ambientales y sus Medidas de Mitigación, Derivados del Camal Metropolitano Quito. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Cantos Cantos, Raúl Vinicio
Erazo Acosta, Rodolfo
The present investigation was Developed in the installations of the Metropolitan
Slaughter House of Quito. Once the Initial Environmental Revision, according to
the Norm 0146 (2005), of Metropolitan District of Quito was carried out, the
questionnaires on general impacts provoked by this slaugtering industry were
analyzed, the water analyses were identified and above all once the different
matrixes evaluating the environmental, positive or negative, temporal or
permanent, and mitigable or not of the industrial processes, were developed, we
recommend: classifying the wastes according to their origing through worm
culture so as to generate income for the enterprise. It is possible to use the
rumen content to process nutritional blocks which can be used as feed for bovines
because its high nutrient content. The wastes through fermentation processes can
be used to produce biogas which can be used as fuel to heat boilers. We consider
that an electric energy generator should be implemented to avoid the system
breakdown when the electricity goes off in the sector. From the above and the
environmental plan for the Metropolitan Slaughter House of Quito, We recommend
that the present investigation results be applied by the authorities of the empresa
the Metropolitan Slaughter House of Quito.