Optimización del sistema de tratamiento de agua potable de la planta San Lorenzo del cantón Chimbo
2014-02-05Registro en:
Pesantes Torres, Itaya Estefanía. (2014). Optimización del sistema de tratamiento de agua potable de la planta San Lorenzo del cantón Chimbo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Pesantes Torres, Itaya Estefanía
In this research, the optimization of the treatment system of the "San Lorenzo" drinking water plant in Chimbo county, located in the province of Bolivar, was carried out. The experimental method and the analysis technique were used in this research work, performing characterizations of the process, and dosage tests of the Aluminum Polychloride; it was carried out in the quality control laboratory of the Drinking Water Treatment Plant "Chaquishca", where we were allowed to use the equipment for the determination of required parameters and the Jar Test. The results obtained in tests and engineering calculations, determined that the correct chlorine gauging during 12 hours of operation, for a flow of 33.18L/s, is 40.85ml/min; in the case of Alumina Polychloride, depending on the turbidity of the water, the corresponding gauging is done for concentrations of: 10ppm, 29.03ml/min; 15ppm, 21.77ml/min; 20ppm, 29.03ml/min; 25ppm, 36.29ml/min. There are two sedimentators, where two rows of plates enter in each one; 65 plates inclined at 60°, 1.22m long, 2.35m wide and 0.01m thick, were calculated for each row, in total there will be 260 flat sedimentation plates. We conclude that for the proper functioning of the system, the study should be implemented to improve the efficiency of the drinking water treatment system, providing a quality service to the Chimbo canton. We recommend the use of Aluminum Polychloride when the turbidity of the water exceeds 4 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit); this will reduce costs, will not affect the aesthetic quality and the healthiness of the water.