Implementación de un banco didáctico de una transmisión automática de tren epicicloidal en la Escuela de Ingeniería Automotriz.
2013-10-07Registro en:
Llulluna Yanacallo, Luis Fernando; Vivar Campoverde, Saúl Isael. (2013). Implementación de un banco didáctico de una transmisión automática de tren epicicloidal en la Escuela de Ingeniería Automotriz. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Llulluna Yanacallo, Luis Fernando
Vivar Campoverde, Saúl Isael
The purpose of the present project is to implement a didactic bank of an automatic transmission epicycloid train in the Automotive Engineering School, so the students reinforce the knowledge in their academic formation through real applications. The didactic bank is based in an automatic transmission 30RH, used in the Chrysler vehicles with engine 2.5L. This transmission has a combination of two epicycloid trains, known as Simpson assembly, which permits to have three gear relations forward and one gear backward. The gearbox was modified, so it can be observed the functioning of the elements in the different maneuvers of relation change. To give movement to the principal axle, an electric engine was implemented which vary its speed through the use of a frequency changer, simulating the acceleration and deceleration that an engine of internal burning produces. In addition it was designed and built a control circuit in charge of making the automatic changes through the activation of the actors corresponding to each gear. The didactic bank created for School, is a tool that makes easy the study and understanding of the functioning of automatic transmissions; for this reason it is recommended its correct handling and use to obtain optimal results during practice.