dc.contributorProaño Ortiz, Freddy Bladimir
dc.contributorArévalo Azanza, Guido Fabián
dc.creatorZúñiga Vivanco, Nelson
dc.identifierZúñiga Vivanco, Nelson. (2013). Evaluación del Comportamiento Reproductivo de dos Hatos Lecheros en la Provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
dc.description.abstract“Evaluation of the reproductive behavior in two dairy herds in the province of Chimborazo” It was made a reproductive behavior diagnosis in the Ranches “San Jorge de Balcashi” (Riobamba) and “Cubillin Bajo” (Chambo) of Chimborazo Province; using reproductive registers of the years 2008, 2009 and 2010. It was classified the dairy herds by reproductive registers of the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 of each exploitation, for afterwards elaborating templates for its tabulation and data processing with the aim to make a comparison between them. The information was analyzed by means of statistical descriptive processes (media, range, standard deviation, etc.). From the analyzed variables, none presented meaningful statistic differences. The ranch Cubillin Bajo presented higher numeric values in relation to the ranch San Jorge de Balcashi in the age to the first estrus (666,00±68,15 days), age at the first mating (690,94±67,13 days), age at the first delivery(988,44±68,15 days), weight of the calves to the first delivery (42,78±3,37 kg), the mortality of calves (9,29%), metritis (9,20%), percentage of conception per service (21,84, 51,72, 83,91, 98,85,and 100% for the five services, respectively), and percentage of birthrate (95%). On the other hand, the Ranch San Jorge de Balcashi presented higher numeric values in relation to the Ranch Cubillin Bajo in the interval between the first estrus and the first mating (30,29±19,18 days), days of gestation (279,08±6,15 days), open days (164,01±56,66 days), interval between deliveries (441,12±59,90 days), weight of the calves (41,10±3,53 kg), placenta retentions (19,23%), percentage of abortions (8,97%), endometritis (7,69%), pyometra (5,13%), services per conception (2,48) and reproductive efficiency per herd, San Jorge (-94). Both studied ranches presented higher values to the considered as ideals since it could realize that in the research exists some deficiencies both the detection management of heats, reproductive disease management and post-delivery treatment of problem cows. For all the previous information, it was recommended effecting frequent gynecological checks, for detecting diseases adequately and to make the corresponding treatment, as well as the using of hormonal methods to treat the troubled cows.
dc.publisherEscuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
dc.titleEvaluación del Comportamiento Reproductivo de dos Hatos Lecheros en la Provincia de Chimborazo

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