Evaluación de dos Sistemas de Pelambre para Cuero Ovino Destinado a Calzado Femenino.
2013-07-29Registro en:
Araque Araque, Segundo Elías. (2013). Evaluación de dos Sistemas de Pelambre para Cuero Ovino Destinado a Calzado Femenino. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Araque Araque, Segundo Elías
At the Skin Tanning laboratory of “ESPOCH”, two sheep skin fellmongering
systems intended for women’s footwear manufacturing, were compared by using
two treatments , eight repetitions and in two consecutive trials resulting in thirtytwo experimental units. The experimental results were modeled under bifactorial
completely at random design. In the resistance – tension physical feature analysis
(1577,63N/cm2) and lastometry (6,56 mm), reduction – oxidation fellmongering
got the highest values since the produced material registered good elongation
conditions, high resistence to stretching without breaking its fibrillar structure,
whereas the best elongation was reached with a traditional fellmongering system
(47,04%). Reduction – oxidation dehairing got the best scores in the sensory
analysis (T2), excellent fullness (4,75 marks), softness with a similar score of 4,69
marks , that is, a very good condition. Hides treated with redox system reported
the highest profit as to benefit/ cost, due to the value was 1,36, that is, it is
expected a profit of 36% for each dolar spend . it is recommended to use the
redox system in sheep skin fellmongering because it not only upgrades the
physical resistances as so to exceed the quality demands of technical leather
regulations but also decreases the tanning waste pollution remarkably