Creación de un Mapa Geoposicional para el cantón Chambo, provincia de Chimborazo para el período 2012
Llangari Espinoza, Erika Paola
Llangari Espinoza, Verónica Alexandra
The present researching task entitled “creation of Geoposition Map for Chambo canton, Chimborazo Province for year 2012” was founded on the fact that tourism sustentation plays an important role cause it implies the planned controlled, and sensible use of those resources that guarantee the harmonious tourist development, serving this way to local communities and their visitors.
The research started collecting base information from official material in Chambo canton and the Province, about its characteristics, history, and tourist attractiveness.
Subsequently it was carried out a market study that constituted the basement for strategies design.
It was elaborated touristic inventories on the main attractive places of Chambo canton, into the developed proposal were two principal strategies encompassing the creation of:
Corporative image.
Geoposition map.
A Facebook user for virtual promotion.
A blog.
Above items will constitute an attraction for the user and at the same time they will be focused to impel the tourist development; this way it will serve in order to maintain and preserve those places catalogued like tourist ones – among them: the natural boulevard, churches, parks and museums belonging to Chambo canton which enclose its people history – as well to contribute the city will get the status of a new tourist destination.