dc.contributor | Játiva, Cumandá | |
dc.contributor | Toapanta, Germán | |
dc.creator | Reyes Pazmiño, María José | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2013-08-28T16:01:51Z | |
dc.date.available | 2013-08-28T16:01:51Z | |
dc.date.created | 2013-08-28T16:01:51Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2013-08-28T16:01:51Z | |
dc.identifier | Reyes Pazmiño, María José. (2013). Evaluación del efecto hipoglucemiante del extracto de Drymaria ovata, Senna macrophylla, Tagetes filifolia Lag en ratas (Rattus norvegicus) con hiperglucemia inducida). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba. | |
dc.identifier | http://dspace.espoch.edu.ec/handle/123456789/2695 | |
dc.description.abstract | To prepare plant extracts, induce diabetes in rats, administer the extracts to the different groups of Rattusnorvegicus, perform the statistical analysis with the ANOVA test and the TUKEY method. This research was carried out using the methodology of the experimentation when seeing a great index of morbi-mortality at world-wide level by diabetes; this scientific study has as purpose to reduce these indexes and thus to be able to improve the quality of life of the patients that suffer this pathology; for which twelve rats were used divided in six duplicated groups representing the groups: White, positive, negative, treatments (D o), (S m) and (T f),; in which it could be observed that after the administration of the different extracts, the glycemia indexes were reduced at a high level. The results showed that the White presented normal glycemia because the pathology was not induced, by means of oral administration of glucose at 60% concentration of 10 ml/kg of weight per day; the Negative had the pathology, the glycemia decreased to 79 mg/dl after 300 minutes. The Positive was administered with Metformin Hydrochloride stabilizing its glycemia after 300 minutes of its administration reaching 88 mg/dl. It was concluded that the doses of the extracts presented hypoglycemic effect, being the most effective the one of Sennamacrophylla since its values are more stable in relation to the others, having at 300 minutes a glycemia of 105 mg/dl. Further studies are recommended since these are vegetables with very little information. | |
dc.language | spa | |
dc.publisher | Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo | |
dc.relation | UDCTFC;56T00397 | |
dc.rights | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ec/ | |
dc.rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess | |
dc.subject | RATAS | |
dc.subject | HIPERGLUCEMIA | |
dc.subject | SENNA MACROPHYLLA | |
dc.subject | DRYMARIA OVATA | |
dc.subject | TAGETES FILIFOLIA LAG. | |
dc.title | Evaluación del efecto hipoglucemiante del extracto de Drymaria ovata, Senna macrophylla, Tagetes filifolia Lag en ratas (Rattus norvegicus) con hiperglucemia inducida) | |
dc.type | Tesis | |