dc.contributorDíaz Monroy, Byron Leoncio
dc.contributorDíaz Berrones, Hermenegildo
dc.creatorMoyon Moyon, Juan Lizandro
dc.identifierMoyon Moyon, Juan Lizandro. (2013). Evaluación de tres Alternativas para el Control de Varroasis Varroe destructor en tres Apiaros de la Provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
dc.description.abstractIn “Asactus” located in Chambo county in Chimborazo Province, submitted to evaluation four experimental treatments T= Control, T1:Formic Acid (to 85% with treatment of long duration (life)), T2: Oxalic acid (to 10% in sugar syrup with treatment of short duration (life)), T3: Timol (to 99% diluted in olive oil with treatment of short duration (life)), on bees Apis mellifera, using a design completely at random; for 30 days of application of the treatments on the beehives type Langstroth shaped by a rise of ½ lifts for all the beehives in investigations, this was developed for 120 experimental days. On having finished the experimental, one determined that the beehives treated with formic acid it obtained a better efficacy yield in the varroas control with 95,1% without affecting negatively the bees populations like result of the way of action of action of the selective product on varroas in the reproductive phase, as for its long actions period. In addition to assessing the costs of technology it was found that the cost per hive treated was lower with the formic acid with 8,2 USD. It is recommended to use this product in the control of varroa destructor since it introduced satisfactory results in the population parameters of the bees, in additions to disseminate the results obtained in the present study to benefit the beekeeping sector of the sierra region center Ecuador, for the control of varroa mite and improve productive parameters of beets.
dc.publisherEscuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
dc.titleEvaluación de tres Alternativas para el Control de Varroasis Varroe destructor en tres Apiaros de la Provincia de Chimborazo.

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