dc.contributorEcheverría, Magdy
dc.contributorRecalde, Celso
dc.creatorAlvarado Valdivieso, Estéfany Tatiana
dc.creatorGavilanes Freire, Adriana Nataly
dc.identifierAlvarado Valdivieso, Estéfany Tatiana; Gavilanes Freire, Adriana Nataly. (2013). Línea Base de los Cinco Humedales de la Comunidad Chocaví - Páramo del Igualata. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
dc.description.abstractThis research is based on the baseline survey of the five wetlands of the Chocaví - Páramo Igualata community, San Isidro parish, Guano canton, Chimborazo province, characterizing the biotic, abiotic and socio-economic components of the wetlands area through the application of the descriptive method using technical tools such as: laboratory analysis, surveys, interviews, direct field observation. The characterization of the abiotic environment was based on the monitoring of the climatic conditions of the area, presenting temperature values ranging from 2.9ºC to 11.2ºC, the average wind speed is 1.16 m/s, with relative humidity values from 82% to 99.8%, with an average daily precipitation of 53.73mm, these characteristics define the páramo climate. The evaluation of the hydrological characteristics was based on the WQI analysis (Natural Water Quality), which was found to be in the medium to good quality range; the community's drinking water analysis reported data that complies with the requirements established in NTE INEN 1108:2006. The analysis of the biotic component indicates the existence of endemic species in the wetland area; the flora is dominated by Plantago rigida, Poaceae and Astaraceae (Loricaria stenophylla), species that make up the moorland cushions and tufts. As for fauna, species of the following families were found: Accipitridae, Falconidae, Columbidae, mammals (Akodon mollis). The socioeconomic information was characterized with the purpose of showing the links of the rural society with the ecosystem. It is concluded that the wetlands fulfill the function of collecting and reserving rainwater, regulating its supply during the year and possessing great endemic diversity. Therefore, it is recommended to work on the implementation of management alternatives to preserve this ecosystem and maintain the quality of life of the Central Chocaví community.
dc.publisherEscuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
dc.subjectLÍNEA BASE AMBIENTAL [Establecimiento]
dc.subjectCOMUNIDAD CHOCAVÍ [Páramo del Igualata]
dc.titleLínea Base de los Cinco Humedales de la Comunidad Chocaví - Páramo del Igualata

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