Comprobación del Efecto Adelgazante de la Tintura de Guayusa (Llex guayusa) en Ratones (Mus muscullus) con Sobrepeso Inducido
2013-07-25Registro en:
Pacha Jara, Ana Gabriela. (2013). Comprobación del Efecto Adelgazante de la Tintura de Guayusa (Llex guayusa) en Ratones (Mus muscullus) con Sobrepeso Inducido. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Pacha Jara, Ana Gabriela
The verification of the slimming effect of guayusa (Ilex guayusa) tincture in mice (Mus musculus) with induced overweight, besides observing this effect with the influence of the extract rich in alkaloids such as guayusa caffeine, was investigated in the Biotherium of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. With the application of the Analytical-Experimental method, the biological material was divided into six groups; GB: White, GO: Positive Control, GC: Negative Control, GX: Single Dose, GY: Double Dose, GZ: Alkaloid Rich Extract (ERA), each one conformed by three mice which were weighed daily during the study time. The results obtained were analyzed by applying the two-factor ANOVA statistical test and Tuckey HSD (Honestly Significant Difference) test at a 95% confidence interval. The results show that there was a significant difference between the four groups with thinning treatment versus the blank and a significant difference between the single, double and Alkaloid Rich Extract (ERA) groups versus the positive control, i.e., in these three groups there was a greater weight loss. A yield of 1.31% caffeine was obtained from guayusa and by means of an HPLC analysis it was determined that the tincture has a caffeine concentration of 3.22mg/mL with a purity of 95%. It is concluded that guayusa has slimming properties due to the caffeine content that acts producing thermogenesis, diuresis and accelerating metabolism. It is recommended, based on this work, to continue with the study of caffeine extraction in different stages of the plant.