Comportamiento Productibo de la PiaractusBrachypomus(Cachama Blanca) Bajo Diferentes Dencidades de Siembra
2008-03-24Registro en:
Velasco Matveev, Luis Antonio. (2008). Comportamiento Productibo de la PiaractusBrachypomus(Cachama Blanca) Bajo Diferentes Dencidades de Siembra. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Velasco Matveev, Luis Antonio
In the Morona Santiago Province , Macas cantón, farm " Plaza Twinza". Arapicos sector, the productive behaviour of the piaractus brachypomus ( white cachama) under different sowing densities was evaluated. A completely at random design with four treatments was applied in a 200-m2 pool divided into four parts i.e. the treatments. To measure the statistical differences a sample of 10 chacamas in each pool was analyzed. In the investigation 2.500 cachamas during 105 days with an average initial weight of 0.99 g and average size of 1.95 cm were evalualed. They were fed on the comercial balanced feed ABA ( 45% raw protein) during the initial phase and balanced feed ABA ( 32% raw protein ) during the development phase. The results showed highly significant differences for the weight (169.60g) size ( 15 cm) and weight gain ( 39.65g) variables which represent a daily gain of 1.3 g/fish/day, and the fish consumed 76.33g feed, showing a feed conversión of 1.62. Upon finishing the investigation the Tukey separation determined the T4 ( 5 fish/m2) as the best treatment since the best productive behaviour was reported in the whole investigation. Moreover, economically, it was determined ,that the T4 treatment has a fruitful recovery with a B/C of 1.13. This is why it is recommended to sow at a density of 5/fish/m2 to have the best profit of all the resources in the white cachama raising