Evaluación de Diferentes Niveles de Fitasa Aplicados Mediante Aspersión Líquida al Alimento de Oreochromis sp ( Tilapia Roja ) en Estado Juvenil
2010-06-07Registro en:
Villarroel Lara, Mónica Alexandra. (2010). Evaluación de Diferentes Niveles de Fitasa Aplicados Mediante Aspersión Líquida al Alimento de Oreochromis sp ( Tilapia Roja ) en Estado Juvenil. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Villarroel Lara, Mónica Alexandra
At the Jacalurco Fish Culture Experimental Station, located in the Prish Madre
Tierra of the Canton Mera, Pastaza Province, the evaluation of different phytase
levels (T0 Testigo; T1 500 IU; T2 1000 IU y T3 1500 IU) applied through liquid
sprinkling to the feed of Oreochromis sp (red tilapia) at the young state was
carried out. For the variable determination 240 tilapias were used under a
completely at random design with 3 replications per treatment. In the size and
weight gain there were highly significant differences (P<0.01), between treatments
T1 being the best treatment with valus of 40, 95 cm and 153, 66 g, respectively.
The total feed consumption had no significant differences with a mean of 450 g; in
the alimentary conversion significant differences were obtained (P<0.05) T1 being
the best with an index of 1, 09. The best benefit / cost was obtained upon 500 IU
phytase with a value of $ 2, 07 and a profit of $ 1, 07. It is therefore recommended
to include 500 IU phytase through sprinkling on the balanced feed of red tilapia, as
the best responses were obtained in the productive parameters.