Diseño e implementación de un sistema ultrasónico de ayuda para parqueo de vehículos automotrices de un banco de prueba para la Escuela de Ingeniería Automotriz.
2012-07-23Registro en:
Mayanza Lema, Samuel. (2012). Diseño e implementación de un sistema ultrasónico de ayuda para parqueo de vehículos automotrices de un banco de prueba para la Escuela de Ingeniería Automotriz. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Mayanza Lema, Samuel
The present investigation is supported by the knowledge acquired in the classrooms of the School of Automotive Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical, which only aims to enhance knowledge of students, teachers and interested persons ultrasonic system. Was performed ultrasound system helps automotive vehicle parking in a bench trial, containing two ultrasonic sensors 42 KHz frequency this system helps to warn the driver of obstacles near the vehicle an audible alarm, and LCD (Screen of Liquid Glass) is installed that allows to observe the minimum and maximum distance to obstacles in front of and behind the vehicle. To move the test bed, we implemented two DC motors with their respective 12V, H bridges and is controlled by remote control radio frequency, which moves in the desired direction of the user. The aid system Ultrasonic parking of vehicles is highly applied in any type of vehicle, allowing a wide range of applications making it a very attractive system to continue researching and developing new applications based on the study. Through this project contributes favorably to the training of future automotive engineers in the country competitive in the area of electronics. It is recommended to manipulate the bank of test he/she should be carried out with a person in charge of the area, if some anomaly is presented in the electronic systems guide for datasheet corresponding.