Obtención de Cuero Anapado para Vestimenta con la Utilización de Tres Niveles de Aceite Sulfitado de Pescado Hidrogenado en Pieles Ovinas.
2012Registro en:
Carmilema Yungan, Georgina Esther.(2012). Obtención de Cuero Anapado para Vestimenta con la Utilización de Tres Niveles de Aceite Sulfitado de Pescado Hidrogenado en Pieles Ovinas. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Carmilema Yungan, Georgina Esther
At the Tanning Leather Laboratory in the Faculty of Cattle and Livestock- ESPOCH (Higher
Education), It is evaluated the obtaining of the nappa leather for clothing using three levels (14,15
and 16%), of hydrogenated sulfited fish in ovine leathers, due to the experimental units, were
modeled under a completely randomized design, with bifactorial arrangement. In the physical
resistance evaluation were reported differences highly significant (P<0.05); between media
registering the best tension resistance results (129.60 N/cm2
), distension (8.30 mm), and
elongation percentage (84.80%), with the oil application at 16% (T3). As the evaluation of the
sensorial grading was registered highly significant differences (P<0.05), establishing the best
results with the oil application at 16% (T3), since the filling was 4,50 points, the softness (4,20
points) and the leather defect (4,70 points), those are leather indicatives smooth to touch, with an
adequate hanging for clothing manufacturing. The effect registered in the tests reported statistics
difference between media both for the physical resistances and the sensorial grading. In the costbenefit analysis was determined the best results with the oil addition at 16% as much as the costbenefit was 1.43 or the 43%, of markup. It is recommended to apply the oil grease at 16% (T3),
even though increase the physical resistance significantly and the sensorial grading.