Optimización del Sistema de Tratamiento de Agua Residual de la Planta Nº 2 Sector Cacahuango del Cantón Mocha
2012-08-01Registro en:
Mayorga Chávez, Alvaro Darwin. (2012). Optimización del Sistema de Tratamiento de Agua Residual de la Planta Nº 2 Sector Cacahuango del Cantón Mocha. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Mayorga Chávez, Alvaro Darwin
The optimization of the Wastewater Treatment System of Plant No. 2 "Sector Cacahuango" of Mocha canton, province of Tungurahua, in cooperation with the Municipal Government, aims to implement processes for the rehabilitation of the same. The experimental and evaluative research method was applied to carry out the analysis of wastewater in situ using portable equipment: conductivity meter, turbidity meter, pH meter, physicochemical analysis using techniques and laboratory equipment based on standardized methods APHA, AWWA, WPCF 17 ed. The following results were obtained: 60% removal of coliforms from the water, turbidity removal with an output value of 50.4 UNT, chlorides 127.6 mg/L, total BOD removal of about 16%, the amount of plant solids with values of 3,600 mg/L in settleable solids and 4,300 mg/L in total solids; the total result of the optimization is expected to reduce the BOD of the water from 238 to 70.39 mg/L, conditions that are within the environmental regulations. It is concluded that the quality of the discharged water does not meet the requirements of the regulations established in the TULAS. Optimization will involve two improvement processes: the first corresponds to the implementation of an emergency maintenance program for the plant, consisting of changing filter materials, draining, and disposing of water and sludge from the collapsed units. In the second process, considering the population increase in a 10-year projection, the design of a two-chamber septic tank is applied, with dimensions (6.3x3x2) m, to treat the wastewater of 1,160 inhabitants of the center of the canton. It is recommended that the study be carried out and others scheduled for the application of new technologies to improve the treatment system and to plan the creation of a basic laboratory for the analysis of wastewater and drinking water in Mocha County.