Elaboración de un Protocolo de Control de Calidad para el Mamógrafo Analógico Siemens Mammomat 3000 Nova del Hospital Oncológico Dr. Julio Enrique Paredes C. SOLCA - Tungurahua.
2012-07-20Registro en:
Ruiz Hidalgo, Alvaro David. (2012). Elaboración de un Protocolo de Control de Calidad para el Mamógrafo Analógico Siemens Mammomat 3000 Nova del Hospital Oncológico Dr. Julio Enrique Paredes C. SOLCA - Tungurahua. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Ruiz Hidalgo, Alvaro David
"A Quality Control Protocol was developed for the Siemens Mammomat Nova 3000 mammographer of the Imaging Area of the Oncology Hospital Dr. Julio Enrique Paredes C. SOLCA-Tungurahua. The inductive method was used in order to establish criteria that contribute to achieving an efficient use of ionizing radiation and that allow obtaining images of high diagnostic quality with the least possible risk for both the staff and the patient, and the deductive method for the analysis of geometric parameters, beam quality, exposure time, performance, grid, automatic exposure control, compression system, image quality, dosimetry, among others. Through observation techniques and operation of the equipment, technical information was obtained about the operation, this protocol complies with national and international regulations such as those proposed by the IAEA, WHO, ICRP, general protocols for radiodiagnosis were also taken as reference. Through the socialization of this quality control protocol, it will be possible to make the personnel of the Hospital Imaging Area aware of the importance of its application, which will allow achieving the lowest possible risk for the patient and the occupationally exposed personnel. It is recommended the implementation of periodic programs in the field of radiological protection that allow personnel to update themselves on the new regulations in force at the international level and carry out periodic training for personnel who work in the area of images, on the management and use of ionizing radiation in the field. medical field and quality control of mammographic equipment.