Evaluación Nutritiva y Nutraceútica de la Frutilla (Fragaria vesca) Deshidratada por el Método de Liofilización y Camparación con la Obtrenida por Deshidratación en Microondas.
2012-07-17Registro en:
Huaraca Aguay, Adriana Del Pilar. (2012). Evaluación Nutritiva y Nutraceútica de la Frutilla (Fragaria vesca) Deshidratada por el Método de Liofilización y Camparación con la Obtrenida por Deshidratación en Microondas. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Huaraca Aguay, Adriana Del Pilar
"The nutrtive and nutraceutic evaluation of the dehydrated Strawberry ( Fragaria vesca)
by liophilization and comparison to the microwave-dehidrated one is an investigation
work carried out at the laboratories of the Science Faculty ofthe ESPOCH. The objective
was demonstrating that Iyophilization is a better dehydration method than that of the
microwaves having as an efficiency indicator the Iyophilization process, the
amhocyaninamount and the Vitamin C presence. The scientific-experimental and
analytical methods were applied. Lyophilized 3mm, ómm, 9mm strawberries helping
elect the best Iyophilizaion parameter as well as the Micromodulyo-11S, the
Microkjeldhal, Soxhlet, HPLC equipment, were used. The 3mm thick strawbery
concentrates in a better way the nutrients due to the fact that it has only 1.66% humidity.
Compared to the dehydrated Strawberry in microwave oven, the values are more
favorable in lyophilizaion and there is 4.37% ash in the Iyophilized strawberry and
4.149 in the microwave-dehydrated; fiber IS 10.67% in the Iyophilized and 5.69% in the
microwave-dehydrated one; as to sugars, 73.52% in the Iyophilized and 70.04 in the
microwave-dehydrated one, The vitamin C loss in the Iyophilized one is 30.45% 24.43%
and in the microwave-dehydrated one, considering that Iyophilization was carried out in
exposure to factors which degrade vitamin C. The anthocyanin quantity in the
microwave-dehydration was 17.18% and 15.91% in the Iyophilized one. The
microbiological analysis shows that the Iyophilized strawberry is more stables; fungi are
found at 10 UFC/g and at 20 UFC/g in the microwave-dehydrated one. It was determined
that the srawbenry dehydrated by Iyophilization keeps its organoleptic features, nutriive
and mutraceutic value. Most components concentrate; fungi prolieation is minimized
avoiding decay. Compared to the microwave-dehydration process, Iyophilization is a
more effective method. It is recommended to study pharmacologically the Iyophilized
strawberry because of its antioxidant and anticinflammatory properties."