Determinación de la Actividad Hipoglicemiante del Extracto Hidroalcoholico de Justicia chlorostachya Leonard (Insulina) en Ratones con Hiperglicemia .
2012-07-17Registro en:
Pazmiño Chiluiza, Carlitos Oswaldo. (2012). Determinación de la Actividad Hipoglicemiante del Extracto Hidroalcoholico de Justicia chlorostachya Leonard (Insulina) en Ratones con Hiperglicemia. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Pazmiño Chiluiza, Carlitos Oswaldo
"This thesis deals with the determination of the hypoglycemie activity of ho vegetal
insulin (Justicia chlorostachya Leonard in mice with induced hyperglycemia (because
ofoverload of sucrose at 4 y / kg weight relationship). carried out at the Bioterio of th.
Biochemistry and Pharmacy School of the ESPOCH.
With be application f the empiricamayical method, te biological material (3040 y
tino mice weigh) vas divided imo 6 groups named RG: Negative contro, RG2:
Posive Control (Acarbose 07mg/Kg), RG: Dose 1 (Je 16 mg/Kg), ROS: Dose 2
(62 mg of Je / kg, ROS: Dose 3 (64 mg of Je / kg), RS: Wines. Evening
Gilycacmia at 0, 30, 60 and 120 minas aftr sucrose overload, through reactivo strips
sing GlucometerProdige.
Data obiined bis way were analyzed sttisically through ANOVA a factor with
grouped data and the Tukey test HSD (Honesty Significant Difference) at 99%
rliabiliy interval. The resul clearly show the hypogiycemie effet of he hydro
alcohol extract of Justice clrostachya, tessing that from the lowest dosage 16 mg /
kg weight it proved to be a substituting potential as efcient s the treatment wi
acarbose (0.7mg/Kg wcigh) with 1x10-14 povalu, Moreover it was cvident that with th
toxicologcal and hystopathological study the administred dosages proved to be atoxic,
and histlogically safe over the pharmacokinctic organs involved (Stomach, Live,
It is concluded that the cilnobotanic uso given to vegetal insulin, as a hypoglyeemic
“gent, is sciemifially tests with the present investigation, and that the protagonistic
secondary metabolites in such a pharmacological capacity ac phenolis compounds with
avonoid prototype.
IK is Recommended from this scietfic work, to continue further investigations om
Justicia chlorostahya, so as to contribute to improve the lifestyle of he diabetic patient."