Evaluación Nutritiva y Nutraceútica de la Mora de Castilla (Rubus glaucus) Deshidratada por el Método de Liofilización y Comparación con la Obtenida por Deshidratación en Microondas y Secador en Bandejas.
2012-07-17Registro en:
Amores Vizuete, Daniela De los Angeles. (2012). Evaluación Nutritiva y Nutraceútica de la Mora de Castilla (Rubus glaucus) Deshidratada por el Método de Liofilización y Comparación con la Obtenida por Deshidratación en Microondas y Secador en Bandejas. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Amores Vizuete, Daniela De los Angeles
"This research made a nutritional and nutraccutical evaluation of dehydrated blackberries
Rubus glaucus in 4 dimensions (3mmn, Sm, Sm, and the whole fit) by freeze drying
method and the comparison with the product obtained from microwave and tray
dehydration. The research used the anthocianyns and vitamin C as process” effectiveness
indicators. The rescarch has the purpose of reducing to the maximum the nutrients” loss
and extending its useñal life.
The research applied sciemifi, aalytic, and empirical methods. The rescarch used fresh
blackberries, freeze-drier, spectrophotometry, and HPLC (High-Performance Liquid
The rescarch obtained freeze-dried blackberries in four dimensions. The research ltely
analyzed in duplicate the content of anthocianyns and vitamin C on each dimension. The
results for the whole freeze-dried blackberry were: Minimum lost: 16.5% in anthocianyas
and 21.7% in vitamin C, for 144 hours which the research obtained moisture of 22%.
The frecze-dried blackberry nutritional and microbiological evaluation proved that the
absence of fiee water augment the solute concentration and it determined a high
mutritional value and absence of yeast. The research also made a comparison between
physical-<chemical numbers and percentage of vitamin C and anthocianyas loss by 3
dehydration methods (frecze-fiying, microwave, and tray drying). Freeze drying.
preserves better he parameters noted above because of the using of low temperature.
There be made an analysis of stability in different types of packages, so we can control
the augmentation of relative humidity."