Diseño y Construcción de un Reactor - Molineta para el Curtido de Cueros con Pelo en la Curtiembre Cueros El Al-Ce.
2012-07-16Registro en:
Chavarrea Centeno, Carlos Marcelo||Orozco Montero, Rubén Ruperto. (2012). Diseño y Construcción de un Reactor - Molineta para el Curtido de Cueros con Pelo en la Curtiembre Cueros El Al-Ce. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Chavarrea Centeno, Carlos Marcelo
Orozco Montero, Rubén Ruperto
"This thesis deals with the desing and construction of reactor-litle mil for the
haired-leather tanning at EL ALCE tanning factory in the Guano canton which
will serve for the product diversification. Though the experimental metod a pilot
equipment was constructed; tests were carried out to demostrate the process
effectiveness. The following materials were used: a recycled PVC tank, a
stainless steel base, piping and a pump. On the basis of preliminary tests this
Batch type reactor was constructed with 0.222 m3 capacity,0.87 m high,0.57 m
diameter and 1 Hp power pump.The lab tests show values higher than 2.5 %
chromium oxide absorption in the leater tanned in all the stops; due to the fact
that in the country a Leather Norm of this type has not been elaborate the
Emvironmental Reference System (SIRAC) used in the tanning sector of
Colombia in which: 2.5% minimum for and efficient tanning is established, as a
Norm has been adopted. The skins tanned in this reactor meet the above norm
thus demonstrating its effectiveness. The country tanning industries are
recommended to incorporate this reactor to their industry and artisan plants for
product diversification and economy."