Diseño de un Molino de Rodillos para Molienda de Granos, Destinado al Ärea de Alimentos del CESTTA - ESPOCH
2012-07-16Registro en:
Salas Lara, César Germán. (2012). Diseño de un Molino de Rodillos para Molienda de Granos, Destinado al Ärea de Alimentos del CESTTA - ESPOCH. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Salas Lara, César Germán
"This paper deals with designing a Roller Grinder to grind grains to meet the area grinding
needs of food of the Technical and Environmental Technology Transference Center
(CESTTA) of the Science Faculty of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo.
The experimental part in which four loads at different tomes and revolutions was carried
ut to observe the optimum process conditions for the grinder design. The simulation was
performed in the Kitchen Aid Grinder, model KSSSWH, heavy duty motor of 250 Watts
with thermal protection, white color; measures: 0.22 x 0.3605 m.
The equipment has a Skg/h charge; it consists of three rolles located one another, forming
an equilateral which permits to grind graín in a sof and progressive way avoiding
excessive fiction and grain roast ; one roller works with at 21 rpm and in the other two the
7 rpm power will be applied.
The roller features are: the three rollers have a separation angle of 47.1529*, 90 mm final
diameter; the contact length between the grains and the rollers is 6.54 men.
According to the project reality, it will be used at the laboratory to conduct fiber and
protein trials; the lab has the 110V tension electric energy; this is why a 500 watt power has
been selected as well as a velocity reduction system.
The recommended material is stainless steel suitable for such as the AISI 308L only sheet
(sheet) and AISI 316 bar (axis)."