Diseño de un Sistema de Destilación para la Purificación del Thinner de los Residuos de Pintura Automotriz en Multiservicios San Andrés
2012-07-12Registro en:
Robalino Carrasco, Diego Fabián. (2012). Diseño de un Sistema de Destilación para la Purificación del Thinner de los Residuos de Pintura Automotriz en Multiservicios San Andrés. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Robalino Carrasco, Diego Fabián
"The objective of this study is thedesign ofdistillingsystem forthe purificationof the thinner
from the residues of automotive painting in Multiservicios San Andres; Píllaro canton,
Tungurahua province; to help diminish the environment contamination and to generate a
culture of re-use Previous to the designvarious samples were taken, cach 1 L residual
thinner generated in the vehicle painting process; the lab analyses were carried out
observing that it is of optimum quality and could be re-used. Considering these condition
the equipment was designed which consists of. a boiling tank whit a cylinder form, 40 cm
diameter and 1 m high, whit 100 L capacity; two immersion resistances generating 2400 W,
protected by black steel piping 20 cm long x 10 diameter; a condenser, 40cm diameter 24
cm high. The boiling point of the compound to be treated is 55 C. Upon reaching 90 C the
distiling remains constant being able to reach up to 165 C as a temperature limit. The
designed equipment will permit to obtain a purified thinner by a 99% intake volume,
accomplishing the parameters according to the Technical Ecuadorian Norm NTE INEN
2163:99 Solvents, Thinners; its re-use contributes to diminish the environmental
contamination and generate resources to the enterprise."