Evaluación de la Actividad Antiinflamatoria del Extractos de Verdolaga (Portulaca oleracea) en Ratas (Rattus novergicus) con Edema Inducido por Carragenina en el Bioterio ESPOCH.
2012-02-22Registro en:
Santamaría Cáseres, Liliana Maricela. (2012). Evaluación de la Actividad Antiinflamatoria del Extractos de Verdolaga (Portulaca oleracea) en Ratas (Rattus novergicus) con Edema Inducido por Carragenina en el Bioterio ESPOCH. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Santamaría Cáseres, Liliana Maricela
"This work's goal was to compare the anti-inflammatory activity from the ethanolic
extract of the purslane (Portulaca oleracea) leaves, stems and seeds. There were applied
different dosages and treatments on rats with to find the most adequate to probe their
effectiveness as an alternative to antiinflammatory drugs because there is a trend to use
natural products. The antiinflammatory effect was measured on 15 albino rats which
were injected with carragcenanin the foot area producing inflammation. They were
undergone to 5 treatments, being TI a control group that only had distilled water as a
vehicle, T2 is a group that received the antiinlammatory indomethacin, and the other
groups were treated with the extracis orally using a cannula. T3 had an amount of the
extract of 250mg/Kg, Tá an amount of 350mg/Kg, and TS had S00mg/Kg. There were
measured all the volumes of inflammation from twelve o'clock at midnight until seven
""clock in the morning. It was found a diminishing on the speed of an edema formation.
There were calculated inflammation percentages every hour and it was determined that
here was a significant statistic difference between the treated groups and the control
groups (p<0,01) According to the antiinflammatory effect obtained in an increasing way
for the results, they showed this: TS>T4>T3 . The ethaonolic extract with dosages of
500mg/Kg showed an similar effectiveness to the indomethacin until 5 hours. Once that
time gone by became to lose the effect, that's why it required a new administration. Its
different from the indomethacin that was given once, as a result it showed an inferior
activity to this drug. It is recommended to perform an study for secondary metabolites
presented in this species, such as alkalds, lavonoids, saponins,tannins and catechins."