Evaluación del Contenido de Ácido Fítico y su Realación con la Biodisponibilidad de Minerales, Proteína y Lisina en Líneas Avanzadas y / o Variedades de Cebada Procesada y no Procesada.
2012-02-17Registro en:
Tamayo Barzola, Fernanda Isabel. (2012). Evaluación del Contenido de Ácido Fítico y su Realación con la Biodisponibilidad de Minerales, Proteína y Lisina en Líneas Avanzadas y / o Variedades de Cebada Procesada y no Procesada. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Tamayo Barzola, Fernanda Isabel
"The proposal of his study was to evaluate hc phytic aci contain and ts relacion with th.
bicavailbiliy o mineral and protcins online andor advanced varicties o processod and mon-processed baley cari out at the Experimental Station Santa Catalina of the.
Insituto National of Agroinsesigations and at the Laboratory of Nutiional Quality at
he Intenational Center of Tropical Agriculture.
hc sciemific method and instrumental techniques were applicd by means of the.
molecular absorption and atomic absorption spectrphotometers: 174 genotypes were.
analyzed determining a variabiliy of 03 to 1,24%. The variety Cañicapa 2005 with
1.249 is the material with beter contain o uc aid and tho vricy Pelada 2 (hexastics)
with ho less contain of 0,36% Four genotypes with highor comtain were selected
submmitod to diflrem processes (expanded, multe, toated,laminatcd and scarificd)
«valuatig its cífct on the acid, bcingtbe expanded th best on to decrease it from 63 o.
TT?%; with he other process it dcteass in less proption. When it is related o Abe
""icavailbilty o minerals and protein, of th process the cffct was valuatd, slccting
ose genotypes of most contain of protin and bioavailbilty mincrals, showing that of
DuchicelaCruda a 6228% of calcium, Rita PeladaMaltcada 57,60% of magnesium,
DoradaCruda 58,28% of potassium and Rita PeladaCruda 44,18% of phosphorus. The
""non-processed genotypes were munfístod with beter mineral bioavailbiiy elaod to.
ose processed. It was not possible o count and evaluate the microciements (Fe, Za aná
Ma) due to th low or ul availability on the grin. Wheo the protein as cvaluated the
DchicelaMaltedada presented major contain with 9.41%. In general, this parameter
varied ligaly by efe of he applicd process. Besido the Cañicapa Tostad showed th
most contain of available sin (24996).
As a conclusion, this acid is not th only one facto which inluenes on the biovailabiliy
of minerals,protcin and Iysine, therefore is recommended the cc of or anti
mutrients, type o applied processes and conditions of culture should he valuated."
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