Separación de Metabolitos Secundarios de Pulpa de Caña de Fistula (Cassia fistula) Utilizada como Espectorante.
2012-02-17Registro en:
Pérez Freire, Myriam Patricia. (2012). Separación de Metabolitos Secundarios de Pulpa de Caña de Fistula (Cassia fistula) Utilizada como Espectorante. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Pérez Freire, Myriam Patricia
From the pulp of Caña fistula (Cassia fistula) used in expectorant, its secondary metabolites are not known, this motivated to study them by preparing extracts; ethyl acetate (I), chloroform (II), methanolic (III), butanolic (IV) and aqueous (V). Phytochemical screening gave (I) terpenoids (saponins); (II) triterpenes (saponins), sesquiterpene lactones, phenols, tannins, reducing sugars and flavonoids; (III) has alkaloids, (IV) has triterpenes (saponins), quinones and reducing sugars once hydrolyzed (V) has triterpenes (saponins), sesquiterpene lactones, phenols and tannins finally the aqueous phase has triterpenes (steroidal saponins), quinones, sesquiterpene lactones, phenols and tannins, reducing sugars and flavonoids. In the case of more than two components, TLCP is separated, the band application, run in previously determined solvents, cutting bands and then concentrating, checking in TLC and UV determination. extracts; (II) has 2 compounds, (III) 3 compounds and (IV) has 2 using running solvent Toluene, Ethyl Acetate; (6:4) and developing solvent for Rosentaler. Extracts II and V are purified by column chromatography, with solvents increasing in polarity from hexane to ethanol, then joining fractions with similar Rfs, purifying in TLCP, and the purity determined in TLC thus extract (II) Al 405, 549nm; (II)Bl 405, 452 549nm; (II)Cl 408, 452, 549nm, (II)D l 405, 452, 549nm and (V)Al 549nm; (V)Bl 405nm; (V)Cl 444nm and (V)Dl 444nm. Verifying that up to two peaks correspond to terpenes and three to flavonoids.