Estudio Estadístico de la Calidad del Agua para Consumo Doméstico en sus Características: Físicas, Químicas y Bacteriológicas en el Sector Rural del Cantón Guamote de la Provincia de Chimborazo.
2012-01-11Registro en:
Chariguamán Maurisaca, Nancy Elizabeth. (2012). Estudio Estadístico de la Calidad del Agua para Consumo Doméstico en sus Características: Físicas, Químicas y Bacteriológicas en el Sector Rural del Cantón Guamote de la Provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Chariguamán Maurisaca, Nancy Elizabeth
"A the Microbilogical Water Analyis Lab of Guamote Canos, the statistical
analysis of the water quality fr domestic consumption was camied out in
physical, chemical and bactenlogicl characteristics n he mural sector of e
Guamote Canton, Chimborazo Province over the 2009-2010 period
Upon appliog the analytical meñod in an at andom sample of 305 water
samples collected during the fist of October 2009- fee of December 2010
period and applying Mhe experimental meñod in the analysis of puntual
collected water samples and appling the adeguate statistical technique, has
been possible to verify he water quality for domestic consumption with te help
fe equipment of physical, chemical analysis, ete
Ina total of 305 collected water samples, 70% water samples were suitable for
domestic consumption as the physical chemical and bacteriological
characteristics of the water quality is maintained by a 60% according to the
Ecuadorian Technical Norm INEN-1103.
lis concluded that the water quality is suitable for domestic consumption as it
accomplshes the NTE-INEN-1108 nor
lis necessary to develop measures improving the water Quality and educational
campaigas increasing the use of boiled water and chlorne, an adequate handling.
and care of the community supply sources."