La Gammagrafía como Técnica de Diagnóstico en Medicina Nuclear
2012-01-09Registro en:
Altamirano Novilo, Teresa Angélica. (2012). La Gammagrafía como Técnica de Diagnóstico en Medicina Nuclear. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Altamirano Novilo, Teresa Angélica
The work investigation is done to the objective of studying the gammagraphics
images of the patients to suffer of Cancer and go to Nuclear Medicine Center at
Hospital Carlos Andrade Marín — Quito, for this is studied the gammacamera,
and its operation, so is taken notes of the images captivated in the period
February 2005 - February 2006 and with they are done a descriptive statistic
analysis and imply to include the test of hypothesis. The results obtain get in the
statistics analysis shows the most people to go to Nuclear Medicine Service are
woman (56.5%) and almost nothing men (43.5%). The average age between
the notes of 278 patients is (64.7 + 12.29) years. So revealed the types of
cancer more commons:
Breast cancer 50.4%; Prostate cancer 37.8%; Lung cancer 5.8%; another
cancer 6%. Finally, so the statistic analysis as the test of hypothesis to showed
the osseous metastasis are the diagnostic more common between the patients
of Nuclear Medicine Service HCAM.