Análisis y Determinación de Problemas Mediante Espectros Vibracionales en los Equipos Críticos del Área de Clarificación de la EXTRACTORA PLACIEN S.A. Vich - Esmeraldas.
Rodríguez Zambrano, Paúl Alexander
This research work is the “analysis and identification of problems through vibrational spectra critical equipment area Clarification of the extractor Placien SA Vich- Esmeraldas”, this is, in order to know the actual technical working of the machines and Current management of maintenance, which was carried out vibration analysis in industrial machine, with different spectral type used, the standards for measuring and assessing acceptable levels of vibration. To perform the evaluation of the present maintenance management analyzes the data sheets are used, the maintenance plan and working documents used to set the hosts also critical area machines was categorized using selective aspects and management parameters. It is structured procedures and measurement routers critical equipment in the area of clarification, for which uses a vibrational diagnostic equipment, determines the different measuring points, also details the different results of the measurements obtained in measurements. With detailed analysis what were the factors causing the different equipment failure and what actions should be taken to correct, since with the use of this work as a practical guide both the administrative and technical staff may avoid protracted
stoppages and production losses.