Acondicionamiento de Señales Analógicas Utilizando Módulos Portables Scc para el Laboratorio de Mecatrónica.
Carmona Pacheco, Melkicedek
Ortiz Hidalgo, Segundo Aníbal
This thesis deals with conditioning of analogical signals using portable SCC for the Mechatronic Lab of the Mechanics Faculty. To acquire data, analyze measurements and present temperature and power data, a lab practice guide for students was elaborated indicating the analysis of each technical specification of modules NI SCC-TC02, NI RTD01 and SCC-CI20 for the configurations of each equipment. The used software was: LabVIEW 9.0 and as a hardware a chassis SC-2345, cable R6868, card PCI- 6024E, electromechanical devices, temperature sensors, temperature transmitter, coil, air generator, signaling box and fan were used. Communication with the PC and the data acquisition card was developed with cable R6868 through the chassis SC-2345 with their corresponding modules SCC and sensor connections; the electromechanical devices were installed in the exterior part of the maquette. Monitoring depends on the water temperature and environment; the coil and fan control is carried out with relays controlled through the LabVIEW software installed at the PC. If the room temperature
overflows the superior programmed limit, automatically a fan is activated thus maintaining a balanced environment inside the mequette.