Evaluación de Enzimas Exógenas en la Alimentación de Cerdos en la Etapa de Crecimiento
2011-01-04Registro en:
Lata Péres, Oscar Rubén. (2011).Evaluación de Enzimas Exógenas en la Alimentación de Cerdos en la Etapa de Crecimiento. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
Lata Péres, Oscar Rubén
The The prenent invostigation in orionted a to optimize the and to impeom te digestibility of the diet of the that of the pign base of the fibrous matters fiest vegetablen, make trapa the factors antinutricionates by means of the use f the exogenous onos of the onzymon ( Rovatbio Exol), provde of the ones in of Sogrton.or 0.005% of the inclunion in tho nutritioun portion in pigo in the stage of the growah Sor that which we think about the following objoctive: Evaluating the productive behevior SS souhzuo snouoloxo on jo oan ou jo suoou kg oA-a0upun u) sord on jo wob sa o abens oup u osou Mo ou Jo odeja on Bupnp udid ou jo Buipooj the beginning registored peson of 10.28, 16.48 Kg. The beinga Obtained the greatest weight the linal oxam makes traps 45.71 Kg. Make traps the inclusion of the that of the onzymes the same one that I prosent from the statistical differences to the treatment ha / sho sins the onzymes of 33.42. The The nutritious conversion was of 2,16 the treatments of tho one of for they make traps the enzymes in comparison of the treatments enzymes they sin 3.29. The cost for Kg. Of the gain of the weight the securities of he / she obtained of himself of 1.10, the treatments of the one of for they make traps the enzymes, 1.16 tramiento of the one of for the enzymes they without presenting statistical differences for the inclusion of the enzymes. The The enzymes that Rovabio composes the Exel synergistically react to degrade the antinutritional factors of the allowances of the efficiently those. The conclusion of the one in, increments of better of those of the pesos the stages of the one of in of the they had of you of growth they make traps the inclusion of the that of the enzymes, make traps 45.71Kg. those the nutritious conversion presents its better indexes of 2.16 they make traps the enzymes. It is recommended it the use of the exogenous ones of the enzymes (Rovabio Exel 50gr / ton or 0.005%) the feeding of the one of in of the pigs in the stage of the growth since present productive results, of the laboratory an nclination of the tests of the digestibility the and economic satisfactory.