Obtención de Napa de Cordero para Vestimenta con la Aplicación de tres Porcentaje de Anilina"
2011-06-27Registro en:
Pinos Medina, Martha Angélica. (2011). Obtención de Napa de Cordero para Vestimenta con la Aplicación de Tres Porcentajes de Anilina. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Pinos Medina, Martha Angélica
At the skin tanning lab of the cattle and livestock science faculty of the ESPOCH, the obtainment of lamb leather for dressing with the application of three aniline percentages modeled under a completely at random design in a bifactorial arrangement using 45 experimental units, was evaluated. In the evaluation of physical resistances highly significant differences were reported (P <0.05) with the best results for adherence (83.27%). tear (71.87 N / cm2) and elongation percentage (86.73%) upon applying 5% aniline (T3). Similar responses were identified upon evaluating the sense marks as better responses were established with the application of 5% aniline (T3), for softness (4.53 points) roundness and spring effect (4.40 points). Finally in the benefit-cost analysis the best results were determined with the addition of 5% aniline because the benefit-cost was 1.23 USD which means that for each invested dollar a profitability of 23% is expected. It is therefore recommended to apply to the staining formula 5% aniline (T3) as the physical resistances and sense marks increase significantly resulting in a higher lamb leather profitability.