Elaboración de Galletas de Sal Enriquecidas con Clorofila
2011-06-09Registro en:
Espin García, Jhorky Luis. (2011). Elaboración de Galletas de Sal Enriquecidas con Clorofila. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Espin García, Jhorky Luis
The objective of this thesis is to prepare salt crackers by adding chlorophyll to the conventional recipe that can come from spinach, chard or nettle, which must have palatable characteristics, which will be subjected to bromatological and microbiological analysis, with the purpose of contributing to their consumption and helping in the detoxification of the organism and balancing the immune system. Cookies were elaborated with the mentioned vegetables in proportions of 10, 20 and 30% of each one of them, they were submitted to tasting, observing that the cookies elaborated with 20% of Spinach (in individual pieces to the cookie dough) obtained 75% of acceptance for their aspect, flavor, texture, crunchiness and pleasant consistency. Through the experimental process, applying phytochemical and spectrophotometric techniques, the cookies were subjected to bromatological and microbiological analysis, obtaining cookies with 1.0552 mg/g of total chlorophyll, 8.15% of protein, 16.20% of fat, 2.67% of humidity, 3.81% of ash, 4.17% of fiber, in cookies with 20% spinach added. The values of molds, yeasts and mesophilic aerobes found were: 3x101 cfu/g and 4x101 cfu/g respectively, values below the minimum expressed in INEN 2085 (Biscuits, Requirements), which ensures a good sanitary quality, besides being considered an energetic, versatile and economical food.