Estudio del Valor Nutritivo de la Naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam) Deshidratada por Microondas y por Secado de Bandejas
2011-06-09Registro en:
Oñate Sanchez, Mayra Alejandra. (2011). Estudio del Valor Nutritivo de la Naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam) Deshidratada por Microondas y por Secado de Bandejas. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Oñate Sanchez, Mayra Alejandra
The nutritional evaluation of fresh and dehydrated naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam) by microwave and tray dryer was carried out, having as an indicator of efficiency of the dehydration process, the Vitamin C content in order to reduce to the maximum the loss of nutrients. To determine the optimum dehydration conditions, two methods were applied, one by microwave dehydration with three treatments at 70, 140 and 210 W and the other in a tray dryer at 60, 70 and 80 ºC. It was established that the dehydration time is influenced by power and temperature, so that the optimum dehydration time in microwaves was P1 (70 W) with heating intervals of 10 min in which the naranjilla was dried at 210 minutes presenting a concentration of 31.4 mg/100g of vitamin C, consequently the optimum time of dehydration by tray dryer was at 70º C in a time of 300 minutes presenting a concentration of 60.308 mg/100g of vitamin C. Taking into account that fresh naranjilla has a concentration of 83.7mg/100g of Vitamin C when compared with our dehydrated products, we have a percentage of Vitamin C loss of 62.5 % for microwave at 70 W and 27.94 % for tray dryer at 70º C. In the nutritional parameters obtained there is a marked difference between the fresh product and the dehydrated ones, there is less water content (humidity) being 87 % for the fresh naranjilla, 27.68 % for microwaves and 22.66 % for tray dryer guaranteeing an optimal conservation of the nutrients, the ash content in dry basis is 7. 31 % for fresh naranjilla, 8.41 % for microwave and 7.13 % for tray dryer, showing a slight increase in the concentration of minerals, in the case of fiber the concentration of solutes in the dehydrated is higher, that is 13.36 % for microwave and 17.97 % for tray dryer, in the same way happens with the protein ...