Aplicación de las Buenas Prácticas de Almacenamiento y Distribución de Medicamentos e Insumos en el Hospital Pediátrico Alfonso Villagomez Román de la Ciudad de Riobamba
2011-06-09Registro en:
Paca Ilbay, Gloria Piedad. (2011). Aplicación de las Buenas Prácticas de Almacenamiento y Distribución de Medicamentos e Insumos en el Hospital Pediátrico Alfonso Villagomez Román de la Ciudad de Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Paca Ilbay, Gloria Piedad
The objective of this work was to apply Good Storage Practices (GSP) and Distribution of Medicines and Supplies at the Alfonso Villagomez Román Pediatric Hospital in the city of Riobamba, in order to condition the areas of the Warehouse, Pharmacy and centralize the pharmacy service. The deductive-inductive method was used for the development of the work; we proceeded to the documentary review of income, expenditures, orders, invoices, existence of medicines and supplies and observation of the site assigned for storage. Once the current situation was established, areas were differentiated, medicines were organized alphabetically, light, relative humidity (RH) and temperature were controlled using thermohygrometers, and accounting software was developed with general data, based on the National Drug List (CNM), Ministry of Health Forms and Manuals, and the Guide for the Proper Use of Medicines. The signage guides the user to the pharmacy. It was found that 8% to 10% of medicines had less than six months to expiration, with T° of 18.6°C - 18.3°C and RH of 62.7% and 61% in the pharmacy and warehouse respectively, meeting the conditions established by the MOH. The software was used to implement the Kárdex sheet, facilitating the distribution process. At the end of this work, the GHPs were implemented, which will undoubtedly help to improve the pharmacy service and guarantee the distribution and purchase of medicines and supplies. It is recommended to continue with the GAP implemented, maintaining the quality of the medicine and improving the software, including the other formats of the MSP.