Biorremediación del Suelo Contaminado con Hidrocarburos de la Central Hidroeléctrica del Campamento Secoya Mediate Landfarming
2010-04-30Registro en:
Arboleda Jácome, Viviana Gabriela; Bravo Basantes, Verónica Mercedes. (2010). Biorremediación del Suelo Contaminado con Hidrocarburos de la Central Hidroeléctrica del Campamento Secoya Mediate Landfarming. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Arboleda Jácome, Viviana Gabriela
Bravo Basantes, Verónica Mercedes
There is soil contamination due to improper handling of the oil. To solve this problem, there are treatment methods for its recovery, such as the landfarming technique. The objective of this research is to bioremediate soil contaminated with hydrocarbon from the Secoya Field Hydroelectric Power Plant by landfarming of the company Petroproducción located in the province of Sucumbios. The first three (TA, TB, TC) were treated with organic nutrients (organic vegetable residues) and conditioner (sawdust) and the fourth T was treated as a biotic control (natural attenuation). The TA was performed with (25% MO + 75% AS), TB (75% MO + 25% AS), TC (50% MO + 50% AS) to increase microbial activity, the contaminated soil was distributed in equal parts (100%) in the bioremediation systems (biocells). As results, a reduction of TPH was obtained in 72% of TB, 53% of TC and 36% of TA in comparison with the biotic control in which removal percentages of 10% were obtained. Heavy metals presented levels below those established by the National Regulation for agricultural soils before and during the treatment. The best treatment, as the results show, is TB, obtaining the highest hydrocarbon removal of 72% in 206 days, reaching the proposed objective. Bioremediation through biostimulation is recommended since it is an efficient method for the biodegradation of TPH in contaminated soils, in addition to the possibility of using organic vegetable and lignocellulosic wastes, which implies an economic and feasible option for the conditions of the country.