Now showing items 1-10 of 635
Is the environmental policies procedures a barrier to development of inland navigation and port management? A case of study in Brazil
The main objective of this article is to discuss the Brazilian environmental legislation and policies towards the development of navigation and port management. The research illustrated some difficulties faced by the country ...
Is the environmental policies procedures a barrier to development of inland navigation and port management? A case of study in Brazil
The main objective of this article is to discuss the Brazilian environmental legislation and policies towards the development of navigation and port management. The research illustrated some difficulties faced by the country ...
Characterization of a green port industry to support the offshore wind sector
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNPROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 2021-09-10)
The use of renewable energy sources is one of the most efficient ways to decarbonize the
economy, and among these sources is offshore wind energy. In addition, offshore wind turbine
technology evolves rapidly in terms of ...
Planning and organization of road port access: The case of the Port of Santos
Approximately 90% of the cargo in the world is carried via maritime transport, making ports akey focus for international trade and transforming port installations into constant objects ofacademic study. One of the key ...
Planning and organization of road port access: The case of the Port of Santos
Approximately 90% of the cargo in the world is carried via maritime transport, making ports akey focus for international trade and transforming port installations into constant objects ofacademic study. One of the key ...
A concorrência em regime assimétrico no marco regulatório dos portos: o caso dos terminais de contêineres de Itajaí e Navegantes
This work intends to discuss the regulatory framework for the port sector established by Law no. 12,815/2013. This work will focus on the changes introduced by the regulatory framework on the ways in which ports are explored ...
Aplicação de sistema de informação geográfica para a coleta por pontos de entrega voluntária de resíduos recicláveis em municípios de pequeno porte
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilENG - DEPARTAMENTO DE ENGENHARIA SANITÁRIA E AMBIENTALPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Saneamento, Meio Ambiente e Recursos HídricosUFMG, 2020-02-28)
This research aims to propose the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) to assist in the
determination of areas with potential for the installation of Voluntary Delivery Points (PEVs)
and for the establishment of ...
Desenvolvimento de um medidor de ângulo de ataque para aeronaves de pequeno porte
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2008-10-17)
This work is the first try to attain an operational angle of attack measurement equipment to be installed in small sized unmanned aircraft. It is studied a pressure differential angle of attack sensor in a wind tunnel as ...
Mobilidades populacionais em municípios de pequeno porte receptores de grandes empreendimentos: estudo de caso na região de Conceição do Mato Dentro MG, 2010-2012
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2015-05-11)
The main objective of this dissertation are to study the types of population movements migration, commuting, and temporary mobility their relationships, and the volumes and flows occurring in small municipalities receptors ...