Now showing items 31-40 of 18952
A determinant is mathematical notation consists of a square table of numbers, or others elements between two vertical lines, the expression value is calculated by following certain rules development
Regla de Cramer
Establish the basis related to the elements that
define the system of linear equations and solution
methods, types of solution and its practical
Gráficas de las funciones trigonometricas
Through this activity is achieved cognition about deponent trigonometric applications and their social environment.
Propiedad de las igualdades y despeje de formulas
Apply properties of equality suggests logical rigor algebraic language use.
An equality is a mathematical expression where two members are linked through the equal sign.
The clearance is a powerful tool not only in ...
Tipos de Modelos en Investigación de Operaciones
This presentation shows and defines the different types from Models that the Investigation of Operations works.
Cálculo Diferencial
To properly use a formula is necessary to understand the origin of it, is explain why the development of this formula.
Actividades Lúdicas
Submitted a proposal with play activities to initiate to students in subjects of Mathematics.
Expresiones Agebráicas
An algebraic expression is a combination of numbers and letters related by arithmetic operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and empowerment. The algebraic expression consists TERMS
Ecuaciones Cuadráticas
Solving Quadratic Equations by the Method of Application of General Formula.
Álgebra lineal. Ejemplos y aplicaciones
1. Geometría de las transformaciones lineales
2. Grafos, digrafos y sus aplicaciones
3. Descomposición en valores singulares (DVS)
4. Tópicos para la siguiente edición de este curso.