Now showing items 11-20 of 60199
Students' evolving entrepreneurial behavior in post-socialist and market-oriented economies
This paper theorizes how diverse institutional conditions influence students’ entrepreneurial behavior. We tested our hypotheses on a sample of 91,105 students from 557 universities located in nine postsocialist economies ...
The Europe of the five parts of the world: François Perroux on european integration
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisEspanhaFCE - DEPARTAMENTO DE CIÊNCIAS ECONÔMICASUFMG, 2018)
Esta é uma versão para apresentação em conferência.
How are immigration policies affecting Brazil's economy?
How are current immigration policies for foreign workers affecting Brazil's economy, and what changes should be made? What other issues in the labor market are affecting businesses in the country?
Argentine Economy
(Program in Argentine and Latin American Studies (PALAS) - Universidad de Belgrano, 2015)
Course Description
Once one of the richest and fastest growing economies in the world, Argentina
is now entrenched in the rankings of the less developed countries.
Nevertheless, in the last decade it has grown at a ...
Lecciones de la crisis financiera
(Universidad de Belgrano - Centro de Estudios de la Nueva Economía (CENE), Oct-2007)
La crisis desatada en el mercado de hipotecas
de Estados Unidos ya ha dejado algunas
En realidad,como suele ocurrir en estos casos,
se trata de cuestiones que, vistas ex post
parecen bastante obvias, ...
La crisis financiera internacional
(Universidad de Belgrano - Centro de Estudios de la Nueva Economía (CENE), Feb-2008)
Desde mediados del año pasado, la crisis del mercado de las hipotecas subprime (de baja
calidad) mantiene en vilo a la economía mundial. Al calor de la burbuja inmobiliaria en Estados
Unidos, bancos de este país y de ...
Interaction between economy and environment: a theoretical discussionInteração entre economia e meio ambiente: uma discussão teórica
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2015)