Now showing items 1-10 of 17139
Farewell to Virtual Environments and Welcome to Post-pandemic Mathematical Problem Posing and Solving
(UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and ScienceRS, 2023)
In the classrooms, teachers faced the
dilemma of whether or not to use virtual environments
to continue teaching, because students were able to
pose and solve mathematical problems with the help of
ICT. The objective ...
Problem solving in the teaching of single variable differential and integral calculus: Perspective of mathematics teachers
(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2018)
On the Nature of Mathematical Knowledge
An important point of contention in the philosophy of mathematics concerns the existence of mathematical objects. Platonists believe they exist independently; nominalists, that they are only linguistic constructs; formalists, ...
O Santo Graal da matemática: a hipótese de Riemann
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaMestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional, 2014-10-10)
This study presents a report about the Riemann Hypothesis, leaving the underlying concepts behind this problem more accessible to a high school teacher. The literature review was based mainly on History of Mathematics ...
Taking advantage of the different types of mathematical languages to promote students’ meaningful learning
The low performance in mathematics of non-mathematics majors has forced institutions of higher
education to implement different measures to address the problem. Many of these measures have
focused on curriculum ...
The role of mathematical vocabulary in the development of mathematical skills for Spanish-speaking students
Does mathematical vocabulary predict the change in students’ performance on mathematical tasks from one academic year to the next? Chilean Spanish-speaking students (N = 87) completed measures of mathematical vocabulary, ...
The English language level of proficiency on mathematical problem solving skills
(Universidad del Zulia, 2020)
Reflection on the complexity of mathematical objects in the initial training of teachers
This work aims to know the perception of future mathematics teachers about the complexity of mathematical objects and their possible application in teaching practice, in order to improve the teaching and learning of ...
Teaching mathematics through problem solving
(Revista Innovación Educativa num. 62, 2013-08-01)
The purpose and contribution of this paper is to explore and discuss
how project-based learning (pbl), a general instructional strategy that
can be used in numerous core content areas, can be integrated with
teaching ...