Now showing items 1-10 of 25822
Dynamic hardness of wood - measurements with an automated portable hardness tester
(Walter De Gruyter Gmbh, 2017-05-01)
A research group on forest products from School of Agriculture - Sao Paulo State University. Brazil developed a portable hardness tester for wood, which is based on a displacement transducer and an embedded electronic ...
Judicial review and the “hard look” doctrine
(Editora Fórum e Editora FGV, 2017)
Development of a portable hardness tester for wood using displacement transducer
Hardness is largely used in material specifications. Specifically for timber, Janka hardness is traditionally performed. More recently, international studies have reported the use of Brinell hardness for timber quality ...
Portable Hardness tester for timber classification
Hardness is a property largely used in material specifications, mechanical and metallurgical research and quality control of several materials. Specifically for timber, Janka hardness is a simple, quick and easy test, with ...
Biografía de John Harding
Estimating hardness of eucalyptus wood with a portable hardness tester
More than 80% of the 29600 km of the Brazilian railroad mesh employs wooden sleepers. The problem of hard availability of native wood for this purpose leads to the alternative use of reforestation species to produce sleepers. ...
Study of the Orbital Hardness and the Kohn-Sham Radius on Single Monoatomic Anions
(WILEY, 2011)
Within the Kohn-Sham framework and for a series of single charged monatomic anions, the orbital hardness is calculated as a change in the frontier eigenvalue, which is equivalent to integrate the local hardness function ...
Effect of particle hardness on mild–severe wear transition of hard second phase materials
This study analyzes the effect of particle hardness on the transition from mild to severe abrasive wear. White cast iron with 1.9 wt% Cr with austenitic and martensitic matrices, white cast iron with 13.8 wt% Cr and 24.4 ...